Final Project 2016 – CS220 Scripting Language

Final Project 2016 – CS220 Scripting Language. For the Scripting Languages project, we are given a project to create an e-commerce website based on Batik Lasem that created by the Art and Design students, we are going to sell Batik using the website. We are going to have the flexibility  to determine the design and what the website will look like. We have to use the assets from Art and Design student and meet the minimum requirements in order to pass this course.

The minimum requirements for the project is:

We have to use a PHP framework to create this project. CodeIgniter is the suggested framework to be use to create this project. Inside the website we have to create the primary navigation bar, it could be implemented as an image map or as a table of images, text or buttons. We have to create a help and login pages, use appropriate href and/or alt for iamges tags for each menu item. Use title tag to create an appropriate title in every pages. We also have to create a user registration form, a login/user authorization table in a database. Create administrator page. Use a shopping cart. The login form should contain space for name, address, phone, email, gender, etc. The website suppose to be dynamically interactive. We have to define styles using css and use them to give attribute to the html elements. Use javaScript function, use form elements to gather user input or preferences, use the date object to write the date from the server. Create an inventory table in the database, and display the inventory by category upon request from the main page.

My team is consist of:

  1. Timothy Viandy (Me) – 1701319810, who is responsible for developing the front-end.
  2. Michael Ferikson – 1701320794, who is responsible in designing the system and quality control.
  3. Enrico Hugo – 1701320642, who is responsible for developing the back-end and CMS.

The following are the weekly activities that our group will do for the project before going live:

Week 1

  • Gather and document user requirements
  • Design database based on requirements
  • Determine functions to be prepared

Week 2

  • Remake design of existing website
  • Create design for CMS

Week 3

  • Create basic web services as a bridge to database
  • Implement automation for product page
  • Implement automation for navigation bar

Week 4

  • Improve web services
  • Implement design for CMS
  • Create Registration and Login features

Week 5

  • Implement CMS features such as:
    • add / edit / remove products
    • add / edit / remove users
    • add / edit / remove orders
  • Implement new design to old website

Week 6

  • Alpha testing
  • Check and improve functionalities of website

Week 7

  • Beta testing
  • Fix errors and improve from user feedbacks

The finished website will be stored and used locally, and therefore uploaded to the class’ dropbox to be evaluated by Mr. Raymond Bahana.